The HFIP program is guided with the advice of 3 Strategic Planning teams and 3 Tiger teams. The purpose of the HFIP Strategic Planning teams is to develop a multi-year (1-5 years) strategy for improving hurricane forecast guidance. The Tiger teams will be responsible for overseeing the development of specific new capability for the hurricane forecast guidance system. Overall, the role of the team members are to ensure the HFIP plan represents an integrated plan across NOAA and involving the community outside NOAA and that it will lead meeting the overall HFIP goals. As a reference, these goals include: improving numerical guidance of intensity and track forecasts 20% over five years and 50% over ten years; for rapid changes in intensity, increasing the modeled probability of detection by 20% and decreasing false alarm ratio by 20%; making numerical weather prediction forecasts of tropical cyclones to seven days with accuracy as good as at five days in 2003; associated improvements in simulated storm surge and rainfall forecasts; and, providing post-processing applications that optimize use of HFIP advances by operational forecast offices.
The work of the teams is ultimately conducted by various organizations that receive HFIP support. The team members are selected to provide a breadth of expertise to help achieve the HFIP goals. The list of Strategic Planning and Tiger teams and current team leads are listed below.
Strategic Planning Teams Team Leads
Model Development Zhan Zhang (EMC) and
Xuejin Zhang (UM CIMAS/AOML)
Data Assimilation/Ensemble Henry Winterbottom (EMC) and
Xuguang Wang (U. Oklahoma)
Post Processing and Mark DeMaria (NHC),
Verification Development David Zelinsky (NHC)
Tiger Teams Team Leads
High Resolution Physics Gopal (AOML) and
Sergio Abarca (EMC)
Ensemble Product Ryan Torn (SUNY-ALBANY) and
Mark DeMaria (NHC)
Ocean Model Impact George Halliwell (AOML) and
Hyun-Sook Kim (EMC)
HFIP 5-year Strategic Plan: 2019-2024 | June 2019
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