HFIP Annual Review Meeting
- About
- Schedule and Presentations
9 - 10 November 2010
Doubletree Hotel & Miami Airport Convention Center
711 N.W. 72nd Avenue
Miami, Florida
National Hurricane Center
11691 SW 17th Street
Miami, Florida
Each year, the Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program has a review meeting. The emphasis this year will be on progress that HFIP is making toward meeting its goals.
There will be three parts to the meeting:
• Transitions to operations of HFIP developments—Stream 1 and 1.5 activities
and results (Led by Ed Rappaport)
• The HFIP Development program (Led by Bob Gall)
• Research results relevant to the HFIP goals (Led by Frank Marks)
Transition to operations will include:
• Summary of stream 1.5 and forecaster reactions to the process and the
results for FY10 (include GFDL ensemble)
• New products available at NHC as a result of HFIP
• Stream 1 (Operational HWRF): summary of FY10 changes, impact,
verification, issues
In the development part of the meeting we will ask each of the teams to present the following:
• Summary of major milestones and goals set by their team for FY10
• Summary of milestones achieved or progress toward achieving a particular
• Highlights of FY10 progress from the team perspective
The research part will focus on those components of hurricane research that are likely to have an immediate (within 5 years) impact on hurricane forecast improvement or hurricane model development. This year we will be organized around the teams and the lead, Frank, will solicit input from the teams and elsewhere on topics to be included in this component of the meeting. Could include:
• Early look at GRIP, PREDICT, IFEX results
• Results from NOPP projects
In addition, we are scheduling an early session on Monday for those interested in discussing the diagnostics components of HFIP and able to attend. We ask the leaders of that discussion to report out to the general group on Wednesday.
Robert Gall (Robert Gall)
Frank Marks (Frank.Marks@noaa.gov)
Ed Rappaport (Edward.N.Rappaport@noaa.gov)
Pam Johnson (johnsonp@ucar.edu): registration, logistics
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
8:00 am Welcome, State of the Program, Administrative changes—Toepfer
8:20 am Overview of HFIP FY10 activities and results—Gall
8:30 am HFIP goals and preliminary FY10 verification—Franklin
Stream 1—Gall (lead)
8:50 am Stream 1 advances in FY10—Lapenta
9:05 am Prioritized Stream 1.0 needs for FY11—Tallapragada
9:25 am New Stream 1 process—Gall
9:45 am HWRF Code management—Bernardet
10:05 am Break
10:30 am Group discussion on FY11 Stream 1 needs—Gall/Tallapragada (co-lead)
(Reach consensus on process/approach, foci, potential for resolution;
determine members initial interest/commitments)
Stream 1.5—Rappaport (lead)
11:00 am Reflections on FY10 issues from a TCMT perspective—Nance
11:15 am Concept of Operations and timeline for FY11—Rappaport
11:30 am Initial community expressions of interest/justification for FY11
Stream 1.5 candidacy (10 min presentations/discussion each by
respondents to prior open invitation)—Pasch (lead)
(b) U. Wisconsin
(d) FSU
(f) Utah
(g) PSU
(h) URI
12:40 pm Group discussion of community presentations; resource
requirements for FY11; related issues—Pasch/Nance (co-lead)
1:10 pm Break for Lunch
Stream 2—Marks, Gall (co-leads)
HFIP Development--Team Reports—Gall (lead)
2:00 pm Global Model/Physics Development Team
Regional Model/Physics Team
Ensemble Team
Data Assimilation Team
Verification Team
Applications Development Team
Observations Team
Coupled Ocean-Wave Model Team
FY10 Ensemble Results-Surgi (lead)
4:40 pm Multi-Model Ensemble results—Krish
5:00 pm GFS Ensemble results—Whittaker
5:20 pm GFDL ensemble results—Marchok
5:40 pm Ensemble genesis results—Fiorino
6:00 pm Adjourn
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
HFIP Research Discussion—Marks (lead)
8:30 am Topics to be covered determined by Frank (Allow approximately 20
min per topic)
9:50 am Break
HFIP Research Discussion—Marks/Surgi (co-leads)
10:10 am Group discussion of FY10 research results/implications
11:00 am FY11 research (group discussion)
Identify priorities, capabilities, interests, resource requirements, etc.
12:00 pm Break for Lunch
2:00 pm Reconvene at NHC—Summary of Monday Diagnostics
2:30 pm Summary and Discussion—Gall (lead)
3:00 pm Break
3:30 pm Discussion/Review on FY11 Program plan—Marks, Toepfer
• Transitions to operations (stream 1 and 1.5)
• Main development priorities (Stream 2)
4:45 pm Wrap-up and next steps—Gall
5:00 pm Adjourn
On the 9th and morning of the 10th the meeting will be held at:
Doubletree Hotel & Miami Airport Convention Center
711 N.W. 72nd Avenue
and the afteroon of the 10th at:
National Hurricane Center
11691 SW 17th Street
The Doubletree Hotel & Miami Airport Convention Center offers the government lodging rate of $104.00 per night. You can make reservations online using the group code HFI.
The hotel offers complimentary internet in the guest rooms, double Hilton Honors points and a 24 hour shuttle to and from the airport (see transportation).
The Doubletree provides a complimentary shuttle 24 hours per day that runs every 1/2 hour, located on the 2nd floor above baggage.
Email: Pam Johnson (johnsonp@ucar.edu) to register for the meeting.
Please provide the following contact information.
Abbreviation (acronym) for your institution:
Name to be used for Name Badge:
Remote Attendance
The meeting will be available for remote attendance by ReadyTalk.
If you'd like to participate remotely, email: Pam Johnson (johnsonp@ucar.edu)
to register.
Please provide the following contact information.
Abbreviation (acronym) for your institution:
ReadyTalk Information
Conference Phone Number: 866 740-1260 (US and Canada)
Access Code: 4978197
ReadyTalk Support: 800 843-9166